Jul 3·edited Jul 3

As always, thank you for the insightful and inspiring read. In the 1960s I was blessed to grow up with one of the most loving, generous and charming young neighborhood boys named Jackie. At 18, Jackie was asked by his older brother, Dennis, to serve his best man. (Jackie was a champion for all of the “little kids” in our neighborhood, for the bullied, the injured, the shy.) Jackie stole

/saved the day when he headed down the aisle to take the hand of the five year old ring bearer who needed some help overcoming his stage fright. Jackie worked in a Sheltered Workshop until he was 41 years old. He “retired” and spent the next eight years spending time with his nieces and nephews and continuing to comfort, encourage, and delight those of blessed by this amazing human!

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Thank you Karen - I suspect most of us have such wonderful encounters with the very best side of humanity. It's so good to cherish those amid all the negatives.

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